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When is Flu Season in Australia? The Essential Guide

When is Flu Season in Australia? The Essential Guide

When is flu season in Australia? It’s an important question, as the answer is key for planning vaccinations and staying healthy.

The short answer is that Australia’s flu season typically runs from April to October, with the most intense flu activity occurring from June to September.

However, there’s more to learn. Keep reading to understand when you’re most at risk for influenza and what steps you can take to protect yourself and your loved ones.

Key Takeaways

  • The Australian flu season typically spans from April to October, with peak activity occurring between June and September and regional onset variations influenced by climate.
  • Early flu symptoms include fever, headache, body aches, and respiratory issues, worsening by Day 3. Vigilance is crucial for prompt medical attention to prevent complications.
  • Annual flu vaccinations, ideally received in April or May, alongside effective hygiene practices, are critical for prevention, with different vaccine formulations updated to counter mutating flu strains.
  • Employers can arrange corporate flu vaccinations to get their workforce immunised ahead of the seasonal flu, helping reduce absenteeism and maintain the good health of their workforce.

Timing of the Flu Season Down Under

Ever wondered why some people get the flu shot in April while others wait until June? The flu season in Australia typically begins in April and ends in October. However, the onset and duration can vary depending on several factors, including regional climate differences.

Grasping the timing of the flu season and its peak months is vital, a topic we will explore further.

Peak Months for Influenza Activity

While the flu season starts in April, the real adversaries are the months between June and September. These are the peak months when influenza activity is at its highest, with August often being the most active. This period is commonly referred to as the influenza season. But how do we know this?

Monitoring influenza flu activity is made possible by the National Notifiable Diseases Surveillance System and other resources. For instance, as of 12 February 2024, they reported 12,019 notifications of laboratory-confirmed influenza1.

However, in some years, the influenza virus will buck the trend. For example, the 2022 flu season started and ended earlier than in recent years, reaching its peak in June and dropping sharply in July2.

Regional Variations in Flu Season

While the flu season generally starts in April across Australia, the exact timing can vary from state to state. Factors such as regional climate differences can influence when the flu season begins and how long it lasts. This means that while one region might be experiencing the onset of flu season, another could still await its arrival.

For instance, in New South Wales, the flu season might start a little earlier or later than in South Australia due to differences in temperature and humidity. Coastal areas might see different patterns compared to inland regions, with ocean breezes possibly delaying the onset. Moreover, urban environments can also affect the timing and spread of the flu, with higher population densities potentially leading to earlier and more rapid transmission of the virus.

Given this variability, it is vital to stay updated on local flu activity and to receive the flu vaccine in a timely manner. Health authorities like the Influenza Surveillance Program monitor flu activity, which can be an invaluable resource for individuals trying to determine the best time to get vaccinated.

The Onset of Flu Symptoms During the Season

Picture this: you wake up one morning feeling under the weather. You have a runny nose, a mild fever, and some weakness. You might brush it off as a common cold, but beware! These could be the early signs of the flu. Prompt recognition of these symptoms can aid in taking swift action, preventing severe complications.

Recognising Early Signs of Influenza

The flu often starts with a sudden onset of symptoms. You might experience fever, headache, aching muscles, and chills. Other early signs can include sneezing, coughing, a sore throat, runny or stuffy nose, body aches, and fatigue. As flu cases rise, it’s essential to be aware of these symptoms and seek medical attention if necessary, especially if you suspect you will have the flu diagnosed.

However, not everyone with the flu will experience a fever. Some might just feel a bit off, while others might be bedridden. Given the variation in symptoms, vigilance and awareness of what to look for are crucial.

When Symptoms Progress

After the onset, flu symptoms typically become more severe between Day 2 and Day 3, peaking in intensity on Day 3. You might experience heightened upper respiratory tract symptoms, including a high fever with chills, a sore throat, and a cough.

However, by Day 4, your immune system starts to contain the virus, leading to a reduction in fever and body aches. But your journey doesn’t end there. You might still have a lingering cough and fatigue even after a week. A visit to the doctor becomes necessary if flu symptoms do not improve by Day 5 or if serious complications develop.

Preparing for Flu Season: Vaccination and Prevention

Beyond understanding the timing and symptoms of the flu season, preparation is essential. The best way to protect yourself from catching the flu is to get the annual flu vaccination. This vaccine is updated every year to protect against the most common viruses expected for the upcoming season.

Additionally, maintaining good hygiene practices can go a long way in preventing flu infection.

“Throughout my career, particularly in Emergency and Corporate Health, I’ve seen the profound impact of preventive measures against the flu. Offering corporate flu vaccinations is not just about reducing absenteeism; it’s about building a culture of health and safety,” emphasises RN Aitor Aspiazu.

“As businesses, we have a responsibility to protect our workforce, their families, and our community at large from preventable illnesses. Early and accessible vaccination programs are key.”

Optimal Timing for Annual Flu Vaccination

Now, you might wonder, “When should I get my flu shot?” For maximum protection, Australians are advised to get their flu shot in April or May before the peak of the flu season kicks in. Why so early, you ask?

Well, it can take up to two weeks for the flu vaccination to work and offer protection. Vaccine-induced immunity peaks in the 3 to 4 months following vaccination before diminishing, highlighting the need for pre-season vaccination4.

Strategies to Prevent Infection

But getting vaccinated is just one aspect of flu prevention. Other preventive strategies include frequent handwashing and respiratory hygiene, such as covering the mouth when coughing or sneezing.

In addition to personal hygiene, there are several measures you can take to reduce the risk of infection:

  • Regularly disinfect frequently touched surfaces
  • Wearing a mask in crowded or high-risk environments such as hospitals, disability or aged care facilities. Avoid close contact with an infected person.
  • Refrain from touching your face, particularly your eyes, nose, and mouth

By following these practices, you can help prevent the flu virus from entering your body.

Understanding Different Flu Strains Each Season

Just when you thought you’ve got the flu figured out, here comes the twist: the flu isn’t just one virus. Each year, different strains of the influenza virus circulate, making the fight against the flu a bit more complex.

Flu vaccines are updated annually to protect against the most common strains expected for the upcoming season.

Adapting to Mutating Flu Viruses

Influenza viruses are sneaky. They mutate rapidly, and these mutations can affect their growth in different vaccine production systems. This is why the recommended flu vaccine components can differ between cell-based and egg-based vaccines.

The World Health Organization (WHO) utilises global surveillance data to advise on the composition of the annual influenza vaccine, keeping up with the rapid evolution of flu viruses. Receiving the updated vaccine is vital for optimal flu protection, given that vaccine-induced immunity can substantially decrease after just three to four months.

Each year, The Australian Influenza Vaccine Committee (AIVC) considers the WHO’s recommendations and decides which strains should be included in the Australian flu vaccine.

Learn more about the influenza virus.

Managing Health Risks During Flu Season


While most healthy adults can recover from the flu without seeing a doctor, certain groups are at a higher risk of severe illness. These include:

  • Elderly individuals
  • Young children
  • Pregnant women
  • Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people
  • Those with chronic conditions like heart disease or severe asthma

Managing health risks and taking additional precautions during the flu season is especially important for those with weakened immune systems, as they belong to the vulnerable groups. This is why corporate flu vaccinations in aged care are vital to prevent the strain circulating amongst those at an increased risk of serious illness.

Protecting Vulnerable Populations

For those who cannot be vaccinated, like babies under six months and individuals with compromised immune systems, the annual flu vaccination plays a vital role in protecting them. It’s not just about protecting yourself; it’s also about safeguarding those around you.

Especially for pregnant women, the yearly flu vaccination is strongly recommended. It protects them and confers immunity to their babies during the first six months of life, a period when the babies are too young to be vaccinated5.

Tips for Aged Care and Family Members

Managing flu in elderly individuals requires special attention. Caregivers should closely monitor flu symptoms in older adults, as fever temperatures may be lower in this age group, indicating an infection.

Moreover, to avoid aggravating the respiratory system of a person with the flu, caregivers and family members should refrain from smoking in their vicinity. This not only helps in managing the flu symptoms but also contributes to a healthier environment in the long run.

When to Seek Medical Attention for Flu Symptoms

While most people can manage flu symptoms at home, some severe symptoms require immediate medical attention. Signs that you should seek medical help include:

  • Breathing difficulties
  • Chest pain
  • Ongoing dizziness
  • Seizures
  • Severe weakness or muscle pain

“In my over two decades of service in the Emergency department, I’ve witnessed firsthand the rapid decline of elderly patients who came in with what seemed like mild flu symptoms but quickly escalated, requiring ICU admission,” says RN Aitor Aspiazu, founder of Corporate Care and a veteran in healthcare.

“It’s a stark reminder of the flu’s severity, especially in vulnerable populations. This experience underlines the importance of early vaccination and prompt medical attention at the first sign of flu symptoms,”

Identifying Severe Illness

When it comes to identifying severe illness, there are a few key symptoms to watch out for:

  • Intense headaches
  • Chest pain
  • Difficulty breathing
  • Persistent high fever

These symptoms can be indications of a serious flu infection.

Moreover, complications like pneumonia can develop from the flu, representing a more severe lung infection that can potentially lead to lung disease. A visit to the doctor becomes necessary if flu symptoms do not improve by Day 5 or if serious complications develop.

Treatment Options for Severe Influenza

In cases of severe flu or high-risk conditions, antiviral medicines may be prescribed. These medicines can shorten the illness and help prevent complications. Keep in mind, however, that these antiviral drugs require a prescription and are not available over-the-counter.

  1. 6. For people with asthma, diabetes, heart disease, or hospitalised patients, antiviral treatment is especially critical to prevent serious complications from the flu.

Get Ahead of the 2024 Flu Season in Australia with Corporate Care

We’ve covered a lot of ground, from understanding the timing of the flu season to recognising its symptoms, getting vaccinated, and managing health risks. The flu season in Australia may seem daunting, but with the right knowledge and preventive measures, you can navigate it effectively.

Remember, the best defence against the flu is a good offence. At Corporate Care, we provide corporate flu vaccinations that are a convenient and effective way to get everyone at work immunised all at once, helping to keep everyone healthy and reducing costly sick days.

Contact us today to discuss booking flu shots for your team in 2024.

Frequently Asked Questions

How effective was the flu shot in 2023?

The 2023 flu shot was effective in reducing the risk of influenza-associated hospitalisations by 52%3.

Some may experience vomiting and diarrhoea, but this has been observed more frequently in children than adults7.

What month is flu season?

Flu season typically ranges from April to October in the southern hemisphere, with peak activity between June and September. It is recommended to get vaccinated from mid-April onwards to be protected during the peak influenza season.

What are the early signs of flu?

If you experience fever, headache, body aches, fatigue, and other flu symptoms, such as coughing and sneezing, it may be an early sign of flu. Take care of yourself and consult a healthcare professional if needed.




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