Immunisation - Get the facts

Why Get Immunised?

Immunisation is one of the most practical ways you can safeguard your kids from deadly diseases*.

But why get immunised? Or rather, why not?

Before the discovery and the proliferation of vaccines in the 60s, children did not have a chance against certain kinds of infections like whooping cough or pertussis, diphtheria and tetanus.


Personal Protection

Lucky for us, a lot of viral illnesses, including influenza, now have vaccines that protect us from life-threatening complications.

Immunisation is one of the safest and most effective ways for mothers to protect their children and for pregnant women to shield their unborn babies against diseases.


Community Protection

Immunisation is more than just creating antibodies to fight against future invaders.

It ensures that your community is kept safe from deadly diseases. When more people get vaccinated, it weakens the viruses’ power, and the infection won’t spread as much.

This means that individuals who are more susceptible to getting infected, i.e., pregnant women, the unvaccinated and the young and the sick, wouldn’t be at risk of acquiring the illness.

This is called “Herd Immunity” and has proven itself to be effective in saving many lives.

You may think that a 93 per cent vaccination rate for 5-year-olds living in Australia is great, but the bottom line is that there’s still room for improvement.

How does heard immunity works video by Ian Frazer

Help Control Diseases


If a community gets enough vaccinations, then the chances are that the disease won’t spread and eventually die out. This happened with smallpox in 1980 when the World Health Organization led a massive vaccination campaign against the deadly virus. Polio cases were significantly reduced by using the same strategy.

In 2014, the World Health Organization declared Australia free of measles. There are still vaccines for measles, mostly as a precaution for travellers and tourists carrying the virus.

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No Jab No Pay

Starting January 1, 2016, Child Care Rebate (CCR), Child Care Benefit (CCB) and Family Tax Benefit (FTB) Part A extended immunisation requirements to include all children, including those who are 19 years old.

One of the requirements states that these children will need complete, up-to-date immunisations on approved catch-up schedules or approved exemptions.

To maximise the provisions of CCR, CCB and FTB Part A, all children, including those aged 19 years old, will have to get vaccinations as set by age-appropriate immunisation schedules.

Keep in mind that objecting conscientiously no longer counts as an approved exemption.

Parents will be happy to know that they can still have their children up to 19 get their flu shots by availing of the catch-up programs. You may speak with a vaccination provider or your physician regarding catch-up vaccinations and where to get them.


No Jab No Play

In some territories and States, children need to meet the required immunisations or provide immunisation records to avail early childhood services. More details can be found on health websites that cover your territory and state (Click here for further information)


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