Service Areas

Our Nationwide Workplace Flu Vaccination programs are
cost-efficient, easily implemented and paperless. We make your life easy, put your staff at
ease, and ensure you are comfortable working with us. You are only a few clicks away from
organising a successful Flu Vaccination program.

Corporate Care Pty Ltd is committed to providing quality health care for its clients. As a health care provider in the private sector, Corporate Care is bound by the National Privacy Principles provided for in the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth) (“the Privacy Act”) including the Notifiable Data Breaches (NDB) scheme under Part IIIC and National Privacy Principles.

The National Privacy Principles set the standards by which we handle, collect, use, distribute and store personal information collected from our clients.

We may update this Privacy Policy periodically and without notice to you. You should review this Privacy Policy from time to time to review any changes. If you have any questions about this Privacy Policy, please contact us using our contact details contained below.

To provide our services and run our business, we need to collect personal information, being information or an opinion about an individual which is reasonably capable of identifying that individual (and which might also include their health or other sensitive information) (‘Personal Information’)

Health Information

As a part of our commitment to providing quality health care, we maintain records containing information concerning your health history. The following types of information may be maintained:

  • Personal details such as your name, address, date of birth;
  • Medicare number;
  • Relevant medical history;
  • Past and present medications prescribed to you;
  • Allergies;
  • Notes made during the course of health care consultations;
  • any other information about your race and gender;
  • Referrals to other health service providers;
  • Results and reports received from other health service providers.
  • This information, the “healthcare record or file” is, at all times, the property of Corporate Care Pty Ltd.

Routine Procedures for Collecting and Disclosing Health Information

Health information is generally collected by the treating health professional during the course of providing a health service. Ancillary health Information may also be collected by administration staff before and/or after the health service.

Health information may also be disclosed to doctors and other health professionals the treating health professional may refer you to in order to continue your health care.

Health information may also be provided to the My Health Record for inclusion on the My Health Record of the health service’s clients and the Australian Immunisation Register.

Why do we collect, hold, use and disclose your information?

In general, we collect, hold, use and disclose your personal information for the following purposes:

  • to provide health services to you
  • to communicate with you in relation to the health service being provided to you
  • to help us manage our accounts and administrative services, including billing, arrangements with health funds, pursuing unpaid accounts, management of our ITC systems
  • there is a serious threat to an individual‘s life, health and safety
  • for consultations with other doctors and allied health professional involved in your healthcare
  • If you have a My Health Record, to upload your personal information to, and download your personal information from, the My Health Record system
  • there is suspected unlawful activity
  • there is a specific requirement by law, for example, when served with a subpoena or other court order
  • reasonably necessary for a range of functions or activities carried out by or on behalf of a law enforcement body
  • you are physically or legally incapable of giving consent and the disclosure to a person responsible for you is necessary to provide appropriate health care or treatment or for compassionate reasons and this is not contrary to any prior wish or wish that the responsible person is aware.
  • To liaise with your health fund, government and regulatory bodies such as Medicare, the Department of Veteran’s Affairs and the Office of the Australian Information Commissioner (OAIC) (if you make a privacy complaint to the OAIC), as necessary

De-identified and aggregated data/statistics may be disclosed by Corporate Care to employers of staff receiving health services from Corporate Care. The purpose of the provision of such data is to provide recommendations to your employer for overall workplace health and safety improvements and initiatives.


We advise that as a client of this health service you have general rights of access to any information we hold concerning you. Please note there are exceptions. For details on how to access and correct your health record, please contact us via the email provided below. We will normally respond to your request within 30 days.

Handling and Storage of Health Information

As part of our commitment to preserving the confidentiality of the information contained in your health care record, we advise that strict secure storage policies are observed in this health service.

Our staff are trained and required to respect and protect your privacy. We take reasonable steps to protect information held from misuse and loss and from unauthorised access, modification or disclosure.

Your electronic records are accessible only by staff of this health service and are protected by a security password. Your paper records are kept in secure filing cabinets or rooms and are accessible only by health service staff. Each member of the staff understands the importance of health professional-client confidentiality.


Health care records are handled with the utmost respect for client privacy. A client‘s record will be accessed by health care practitioners providing care to the client. It may also be necessary for our staff to handle health care records from time to time to address the administrative requirements of running a health care service.

Corporate Care staff are bound by confidentiality requirements as a condition of employment. They sign strict confidentiality agreements upon commencement of employment that remain in place during and after employment with the health care service.

Such confidentiality requirements will be observed if it is necessary for them to view your records.

External Parties and Confidentiality

On occasion, it is likely that external organisations will need to access our health care service to allow us to maintain a functioning workplace. Further, it may be likely that the health care records kept on-site will be viewed, for example, by IT contractors. Such contractors to this health care service sign a confidentiality agreement, and where that external organisation provides service or advice to this health care service, they will be bound by the terms of the confidentiality agreement.

Contact details for privacy-related issues

Should you, at any time, have a query or complaint in relation to the privacy policies in place at this health care service please contact Corporate Care’s Privacy Officer on 1300 79 74 10.



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