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Our Nationwide Workplace Flu Vaccination programs are
cost-efficient, easily implemented and paperless. We make your life easy, put your staff at
ease, and ensure you are comfortable working with us. You are only a few clicks away from
organising a successful Flu Vaccination program.

Corporate Care's 2025 Flu Vaccination Drive

How to Promote an efficient and successful Flu Vaccination Program at Work

Get Immediate Protection from the Flu


Frontline workers take note – you can protect yourself from Influenza before the winter season with a timely flu jab. Getting the flu shot can keep you from sickness and needing medical attention. Flu is yet another serious respiratory illness. It can cause employees to miss work and is deadly enough to cause hospitalisation or even death.


Businesses Guide to Flu Shots at Work

Promoting flu vaccinations at work is paramount not just for your workers but in maintaining operations as well. Including annual flu vaccinations in health and wellbeing initiatives is always a good idea. You can take the initiative and offer onsite flu shots or arrange flu vouchers as an alternative.


Corporate Care – Flu Experts in Australia and New Zealand


Workplace Vaccination Benefits

To Employers and Businesses

To Workers

  • Convenient
  • Better health
  • Sense of belonging and “being looked after.”
  • Less sick days and visits to the doctors

Benefits will scale depending on the employer’s investment level and the employees’ vaccination rate. Statistically, 1/3 of the workforce will participate in a workplace flu vaccination program.


Arranging a Flu Vaccination Clinic

Planning the details

Everyone, including People and Culture, management and employees, should provide input as appropriate.


Get management involved

Convince senior management to support a flu jab clinic right in the workplace-position flu vaccines as a must-have for the business by creating a goal that coincides with the effort.


Flu Coordinator

Assign a corporate flu vaccine coordinator or team that knows its responsibilities and roles. Involve workplace safety staff and occupational health personnel in the program if you have them as part of your organisation.


Flu Vaccination Provider

Consider getting expert help from an outside vaccination provider. Many workplace influenza providers can help you run a successful onsite flu program. If you opt for flu vouchers instead, look for a provider to do both.


Internal survey

Statistically, 1/3 of your organisation will participate in this health and wellness initiative. If this is your first time participating in a flu program, it may be worth sending a quick internal survey to see if there is an appetite for such a program.


Business hours clinic

Supervisors and managers can have their employees attend the onsite flu vaccination clinic within their shift to ensure they arrive on time. Avoid “off the clock” flu clinics, reducing the uptake.


Family members

Consider offering flu jabs to the employees’ family members as well. They can attend the clinic at work or offer Flu Vouchers to get their flu jab at their local chemist.



An office setting with a flu virus model, employees queuing for vaccinations, and 'Corporate Care' signage. Australian employees queue for flu shots in an office, with an educational virus model on display.

Promoting and Hosting the Flu Vaccine Clinic


Free for Employees

Encourage participation by offering incentives, such as a contest to see which department has the highest flu shot rate and providing refreshments onsite. We recommend offering this program as a “free service” to the employees.

Promotional material

Put up posters, flyers and promotional materials about the flu shot’s benefits. Display them in conspicuous areas such as the kitchen, toilets, etc. Include details, such as the date(s) and time(s) of when the clinic is scheduled.

Internal Communication

Send out communication in the form of emails, newsletters or via the intranet to highlight flu shot benefits and flu prevention. Links to promotional material and Flu-related FAQ is also helpful.



Clinic room.

Make the flu vaccination clinic as comfortable and convenient as possible while considering the privacy and demands of space. Please ensure you are up to date with Safe Work Australia recommendations regarding space and COVID.

Get management “jabbed” first.

Boost engagement by having business leaders and managers get the workplace flu jab first.

Keep up with the internal communication.

Keep your staff up to date with the latest, I.e. Where to find reliable information about the flu, clinic times and dates.


Offer off-site flu vaccinations.

Not all businesses can have an onsite flu shot clinic. However, there are still ways to encourage employees to get their flu shot outside work.

Shots whilst on duty.

Consider providing an hour or two off work so they can get flu jabs at their local Pharmacy or Medical Center.

Keep up with communication.

Inform your staff they can get their flu shot in the community via a local Pharmacy.

Flu Voucher Campaign.

Consider partnering with a Flu Vaccination provider that can arrange flu vouchers for your company. Distributing vouchers to hundreds of people can be a time-consuming task.

Share the Flu Voucher website details with your staff.

Your staff can search for their local Pharmacy or Medical Center at


Contact us

We will only contact you when absolutely necessary
Information such as the number of sites/locations, number of employees, number of vouchers needed or information from previous flu programs is important to us.
You may want to upload previous year's participant reports, tender documentation, list of sites/locations, number of employees per site/office, etc...
We will only contact you when absolutely necessary
You may want to upload previous year's participant reports, tender documentation, list of sites/locations, number of employees per site/office, etc...
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