Corporate Care is an industry leader among corporate flu shot providers in Australia and New Zealand, known for offering the highest-quality nationwide employee flu vaccinations. We take pride in our solid customer base of Australian and New Zealand businesses who have recognised our corporate flu jab programs to be a worthy business investment. Our workplace flu vaccination services cater to Sydney, Newcastle, Central Coast, Wollongong, Melbourne, Canberra, Perth, Brisbane, Regional Queensland, Adelaide, Tasmania, Darwin, New Zealand, and many regional locations. Some of the areas we regularly run mobile flu shot clinics:
Select your time-slot.
Bookings are made on a first-come, first-served basis, so don’t delay if you are looking for a specific time-slot.
Fill out the consent form
Complete the online flu screening form and ensure you read the Influenza Vaccine Consent information.
Attend your appointment
Please attend your flu clinic at the designated time-slot, and speak with our nurse about any flu-related questions you may have.
Get your Flu Certificate
You will receive a flu vaccination certificate in your email right after your flu shot, and we will update the Australian Immunisation Register.
Influenza is a very contagious infection of the airways. It is especially serious for babies, people over 65, and pregnant women.
Vaccination is a safe and effective way to protect you from serious diseases caused by influenza.
By getting vaccinated against influenza, you can also help protect other people, especially people who are too sick or too young to be vaccinated. The more people vaccinated in your community, the less likely the disease will spread.
About Us
We are a team of healthcare professionals passionate about helping our nurses and clients reach their goals. We understand nursing, we speak nursing, we love nursing, and yes, we do nursing, and we do it very well!
It might sound cliché, but our success is about teamwork and having “top shelf” nurses, doctors and a fantastic support team willing to go the extra mile to keep our customers happy.
We genuinely believe in what we preach: protect you, your family, and those around you from the seasonal flu. Our management team have many years of experience on and off the field, vaccinating employees and coordinating corporate flu jab programs for small, medium and large organisations all over Australia and New Zealand.